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SAILOR FBB 150 / 250 / 500 - 3771 Alarm Panel FleetBroadband - 403771A-00500


Prezzo: 375,00 EUR +IVA

The Thrane & Thrane SAILOR 3771 Alarm Panel FleetBroadband is the first system to take advantage of non-SOLAS Voice Distress calling via FleetBroadband. The new Alarm Panel and Voice Distress calling have been developed to enhance safety communication aboard both non- commercial, fishing, workboat and recreational vessels, through efficient use of the FleetBroadband service.

2. Voice Distress (non-SOLAS)

The new Voice Distress calling service provides full priority access in both ship-shore and shore-ship communication in emergency situations, together with pre-emption for distress priority call initiated by the activation o the “red button”. Essentially, the service is able to interrupt any non-urgent calls once the distress button has been activated and give full priority to subsequent emergency communications and hereby improve the safety on board.

The distress call from the FleetBroadband system is a voice call, which means that the call will be connected to an operator at the MRCC (Maritime Rescue Coordination Center). Each Inmarsat satellite region has a nominated MRCC, which assesses the call and directs details to a suitable rescue co-ordination centre near to the scene of the incident.

Please note that the service is not GMDSS compliant.

Distress pre-emption and priority voice call

Pre-emption and Priority Calls enable the possibility of calling either to or from a vessel in distress even if the FleetBroandband voice line is already busy in an in- or outbound call. If a Voice Distress call is made, any existing calls will be terminated.


? Pre-emption is for giving the RCC the ability to contact the vessel in distress or a vessel in close proximity even if the line is busy.

? Priority is for giving the Distress call priority over any other call from the terminal.

Cosa include la confezione:
SAILOR FBB 150 / 250 / 500 - 3771 Alarm Panel FleetBroadband
Prezzo: 375,00 EUR +IVA
EUR 450.00 (IVA inclusa)
(EUR 375.00)

* E' BENE CHIEDERE UN PREVENTIVO quando dovete abbinare prodotti particolari come un antenna ed il cavo, noi vi possiamo suggerire il cavo corretto per connettere il vostro telefono o la dock all'antenna scelta o aiutarvi a scegliere il prodotto migliore per le vostre esigenze.

Produttore: COBHAM SATCOM Sito Web del Produttore:


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EUR 375,00 + IVA
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