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Accepted Payment Methods
GEOBORDERS Payments accepts credit cards and debit cards as well as Bank transfer Paypal or Google Checkout.
Here is the complite list:
CREDIT/DEBIT CARDS Credit cards currently accepted include Visa, MasterCard (Euro Card), and American Express. Debit cards currently accepted include Visa Electron, Delta and Maestro.
Bank Transfer (BACS) Bank to Bank Transfer ideal for paying for large items. Also useful for shipping items to different addresses to that of your billing. Payments can take 2-4 days to show up
PAYPAL (credit /debit cards) To use Paypal please select PAYPAL under payment method. To complete payment you will be redirected to PAYPAL Website. We can only ship to confirmed addresses
CHEQUE All cheques would need to be cleared before dispatch
GOOGLE CHECKOUT Operated by Google.
All the above payment options are available at checkout. For BACS and Cheque you will be sent instructions by email once you place the order
Immagine | Nome | Codice | Quantita | Prezzo Unitario | Totale |
Nessun Prodotto è stato aggiunto al Carrello |