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INMARSAT FLEET 33 & 55 & 77 Postpaid (Marine)
Versione 2 valido dal 01/07/2012

Activation - one off (Inclure CARTE SIM et le coût d'activation) USD 60.00
(EUR 54.40 *)
Cotisation annuelle (12 mois à l'avance) USD 0.00
(EUR 0 *)
Caution en espèces (Il appartient à chaque ligne unique activé et il sera remboursé le mois suivant la clôture du contrat) EUR 600.00
(EUR 600.00 *)
Durée du contrat (contrat sera automatiquement renouvelé pour la même période s'il n'est pas Désactivé avec 90 jours chez préavis) 12 month

Les appels à Landline Phones (of all the world)
00:00 - 24:00
USD 1.95 per minute
(EUR 1.77*)
Les appels à Mobile Cellular Phones (of all the world)
00:00 - 24:00
USD 1.95 per minute
(EUR 1.77*)
Les appels à Voicemail
00:00 - 24:00
USD 1.95 per minute
(EUR 1.77*)
SMS sent from your phone
SMS received on the phone
Data Calls per minute
00:00 - 24:00
USD 1.95 per minute
(EUR 1.77*)
Data calls per MB
00:00 - 24:00
USD 35 per MB
(EUR 31.73*)
Facturer 256 bits (32 octets)
Charge pour 1000 octets
Les appels effectués à l'intérieur de votre région pour Téléphones fixes à l'intérieur de votre région
Les appels effectués à l'intérieur de votre région pour Téléphones fixes en dehors de votre région
Les appels effectués en dehors de votre région pour n'importe quel téléphone fixe
Les appels effectués à l'intérieur de votre région pour Téléphones Cellulaires à l'intérieur de votre région
Les appels effectués à l'intérieur de votre région pour Téléphones Cellulaires dehors de votre région
Les appels effectués en dehors de votre région pour n'importe quel téléphone cellulaire
Data Calls per minute made inside your region
Data Calls per minute made outside your region
Data calls per MB made inside your region
Data calls per MB made outside your region
Data calls per MB in SOUTH AMERICA
Les appels à Iridium
Les appels à Thuraya
Les appels à Inmarsat GSPS ISATPHONE - LINK
Les appels à Inmarsat SPS
Les appels à Inmarsat FleetBroadband
Les appels à Inmarsat BGAN
Les appels à Inmarsat Swiftbradband
Les appels à Inmarsat B
Les appels à Inmarsat M
Les appels à Inmarsat MINI-M
Les appels à Inmarsat GAN
Les appels à Inmarsat FLEET
Les appels à Inmarsat SWIFT
Les appels à Inmarsat AERO
Les appels à des téléphones satellitaires d'autres (à l'exception ci-dessus)
RECEIVED Calls from +1 Access
RECEIVED Calls from Two stage dialing
00:00 - 24:00
USD 8.99 per minute
(EUR 8.15*)
Data Calls per minute steaming 8
Data Calls per minute steaming 16
Data Calls per minute steaming 24
Data Calls per minute steaming 32
Data Calls per minute steaming 64
Data Calls per minute steaming 128
Data Calls per minute steaming 176
Data Calls per minute steaming 256
Data Calls per minute X-STREAM
Sim Card or Terminal Swap (in case of Damaged or lost/stolen SIM CARD or terminal) USD 60.00
(EUR 54.40 *)
SIM Card or Terminal SUSPENSION (automatically suspended for invoice non-payment or other reasons) USD 60.00
(EUR 54.40 *)
Reactivation of a perviously SUSPENDED SIM or Terminal USD 60.00
(EUR 54.40 *)
SIM Card or Terminal Deactivation (this cost will be charged when you close your contract) USD 60.00
(EUR 54.40 *)
Reactivation of a perviously deactivarded SIM or terminal (we cannot guarantee to give the same number) USD 60.00
(EUR 54.40 *)

* As reference all prices are converted in your Favourite currency (you can select your currency from the top menu), original prices are written first and prices expressed in your favourite currency are shown between parentheses. VAT is Excluded. On your invoice you will have exchange rate of the invoice period that may be different from today exchange rate. Now we show BCE Exchange rate of 06/10/2024


The measurement of usage shall be on a per-call basis, per data session, etc. as applied to each of the Services. The chargeable unit for circuit based services shall be duration based i.e. minutes. For IP based services, the charging unit shall be based on the volume of data that is presented to the Inmarsat system for transmission or receipt by the subscriber in terms of bits of data. For other services, the charging unit shall be based on an event or such other defined transaction.

Minimum call duration, minimum data volume and billing increments
For voice, fax and low-data rate circuit switched traffic, the minimum call duration shall be 15 seconds and the billing increment shall be 15
For high-speed data circuit switched traffic, the minimum call duration shall be 10 seconds and the billing increment shall be 10 seconds;
For MPDS data traffic, the minimum data volume shall be Nil bytes and the billing increment shall be Nil bytes.
One CDR is produced for each circuit switched call and each ISDN call. A number of CDRs may be produced for each MPDS data session, depending on its duration and volume.

Other Services
Distress Services - This applies to Inmarsat B, M, Mini-M and Fleet services together with Inmarsat C/mini-C Store and Forward messaging and Enhanced Group Calls. Distress services are only applicable in the Maritime sector and only to Maritime registered terminals. Only distress communications using Priority Code 3 are free of wholesale charges.
Safety Services apply in respect of Inmarsat B, M Mini-M and Fleet services together with Inmarsat C/mini-C Store and Forward messaging and Enhanced Group Calls. Safety services are only applicable in the Maritime sector.
Safety services are as defined for use by the special access codes 32 (medical advice), 38 (medical assistance), 39 (maritime search and rescue assistance). Safety services are defined for use in the following circumstances.

1. Ship-to-Shore communications
Search and rescue co-ordination including communications subsequent to initial distress alerts, by voice or record relating to the immediate assistance required by a ship which is in distress and in grave and imminent danger, provided they are made to associated Rescue Co-Ordination Centres (‘RCC’) via Code 39; Free*
Medical assistance for grave and imminent danger, by voice or record, via Code 38 to an Agency recognised by Administrations; Free*
Maritime ship-to-shore Medical Advice Communications via Code 32 to a medical authority recognised by Administrations. 50% of applicable wholesale charge.
*Only distress communications using Priority Code 3 are free of wholesale charges.

2. Shore-to-Ship communications:
Search and rescue co-ordination including communications subsequent to initial distress alerts, by voice or record, for communications from associated RCCs to ships and when relating to the immediate assistance required by a ship in distress and in grave and imminent danger and Medical assistance by voice or record for calls from Agencies recognised by Administrations.
Details of all calls or messages by service, traffic type, start time and forward ID shall be provided within 30 days for the purpose of providing a

3. Maritime Mobile Distress Alerts
Initial ship-to-shore distress alerts and distress messages via an L band EPIRB and shore-to-ship distress alerts, provided the originator is a rescue co-ordination centre associated with an LES. Free.
Apart from the reduced rate or free rate services noted above, the relevant wholesale charge for the service used shall be charged.


MPDS (Data per Mb):A Note regarding Megabits (Mb) and Megabytes (MB)
The MPDS prices reflect the cost to send/receive megabits (Mb) of data through the Inmarsat satellite network. Bits, kilobits, and megabits are typically used as the units of measure for Internet data rates (e.g., a 2.4 megabit per second connection) while byte, kilobytes, and megabytes (MB) are typically used to measure file size (e.g., a 10 MB file). As a point of reference, 1 byte is composed of 8 bits. However, for MPDS billing purposes, Inmarsat has elected to measure the data sent or received in megabits.

Please keep this in mind when calculating data costs when using the MPDS service. To convert the cost of megabits (Mb) to megabytes (MB), multiply the cost of Mb by 8

For your convenience we alredy wrote MB charges in the plan for reference but charges on invoice will be in Mb (Mega bit)

À propos de Geoborders

Geoborders is an independent Mobile Satellite Communications Provider established in 1995. It is now one of the leaders in different commercial sectors and have a wide variety of clients worldwide, including individual travellers, large corporations, aid agencies, shipping companies, government departments and the military.

Geoborders have HQ in London and distributes its product and services via wholesale and retail channels through its branches and partners.

For more information please contact GEOBORDERS:
Phone (Worldwide): +44.20.3051.3846
Fax (Worldwide): +44.330.684.0307
E-mail: activations@geoborders.com
Web Site: www.geoborders.com

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GEOBORDERS Satellite Ltd - 1B Labton Road, SW20 0LW London, UK - VAT number: GB 984488553
Sales and info Email: sales@geoborders.com - Support Email: support@geoborders.com Call: 00-800-3333-6666