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Thuraya NarrowBand Terminal for AviationComms


Per uso:

Prezzo: 28.900,00 EUR +IVA

Thuraya's aeronautical (AviationComms) voice and data solution is based on its compact narrowband terminal that provides voice, fax and 9.6 kbps circuit switch data and GmPRS data at speeds of up to 60 kbps. Ensuring reliable air-ground and air-air communications throughout your aircraft, Thuraya's aeronautical services meet the most stringent international certification standards and are extremely cost-effective.
Thuraya is also utilizing its existing technologies to develop a broadband aeronautical solution which will be released soon. The broadband terminal besides supporting voice, circuit switch data of 9.6 kbps, and fax will also support broadband data of up to 444 kbps in Standard IP mode and up to 384 kbps in Streaming IP mode.


Cosa include la confezione:
Thuraya NarrowBand Terminal for AviationComms
Prezzo: 28.900,00 EUR +IVA
EUR 34680.00 (IVA inclusa)
(EUR 28900.00)

* E' BENE CHIEDERE UN PREVENTIVO quando dovete abbinare prodotti particolari come un antenna ed il cavo, noi vi possiamo suggerire il cavo corretto per connettere il vostro telefono o la dock all'antenna scelta o aiutarvi a scegliere il prodotto migliore per le vostre esigenze.

Provides voice, fax and 9.6 kbps circuit switch data and GmPRS data at speeds of up to 60 kbps.
Caratteristiche tecniche:
  • LRU : 620 gm
  • Antenna : 261 gm

  • LRU: 156 mm x 125mm x 37.5mm
  • Antenna: 3.5” patch

Operating temperature:
  • LRU : -40 C to +85 C
  • Antenna: -55 C to +85 C

  • Receive Frequency: 1525 – 1559 MHz
  • Transmit Frequency: 1626.5 - 1660.5 MHz
  • GPS Frequency: 1575.42 MHz

  • 1 channel
Circuit Mode Data:
  • 1 channel
  •  Max data rate 9.6 Kbps

GmPRS Mode Data
  • 1 channel
  •  Max downlink data rate 60 Kbps
  •  Max uplink data rate 15 Kbps

Power Supply:
  • DC input 12 to 50 Volts

Power Consumption:
  • Standby: 120 - 190 mA @ 28 VDC
  • Transmit: 200 - 380 mA @ 28 VDC
Produttore: Sito Web del Produttore:


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EUR 300,00 + IVA
(EUR 300,00)

EUR 28.900,00 + IVA
(EUR 28.900,00)

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